Saint Elmo Vanadium
Multicom Resources Limited
• Environmental Impact Statement Approval
• EPBC Act Approval
• Associated Approvals
• PRCP Approval

Multicom is seeking to develop the Saint Elmo Vanadium Project for the purposes of mining and processing vanadium pentoxide and alternative vanadium-based products.
The project proposes to take advantage of the increasing supply gap associated with high-strength steel production, the growth market of vanadium batteries and the emergence of vanadium-based compounds as a revolutionary metal in new technologies.
Epic provided support throughout the Environmental Impact Statement process and all associated approvals such as water licencing, statutory designations, Environmental Authority and the Progressive Rehabilitation and Closure Plan. Epic worked closely with Multicom on all aspects of project facilitation, site environmental assessment, community consultation, collaborating with engineers, sub-consultants and liaison with various levels of government.