Contaminated Land Services
Epic Environmental provides specialised strategies to contaminated land projects from typical development sites through to complex industrial and defence sites with complex historical activities.
To contact one of our Contaminated Land experts please get in touch with us via email.

Contaminated Land
Epic has the skills and accreditation to independently evaluate contaminated site assessment reports and certify documentation in accordance with relevant regulatory requirements in both Queensland and New South Wales. Epic’s contaminated land auditors are accredited in accordance with the Qld Environmental Protection Act 1994 and the NSW Contaminated Land Management Act 1997. Our team of qualified technical support staff can assist in streamlining the decision-making process for land contamination matters, particularly for complex assessment and remediation projects.

Contaminated Land
Epic offers comprehensive technical skills for assessing and managing contaminated land. We have delivered exceptional outcomes on a variety of sites across Australia. Epic provides a total project management approach to contaminated land and environmental site assessments. Our team has successfully developed specialised investigation strategies for typical development sites through to industrial and defence sites with complex historical site activities.

Asbestos Assessment & Management
Epic specialises in the assessment, identification, remediation, and management of asbestos in soils, addressing asbestos risk for developments in a range of industries, including property, commercial and industrial, resources and energy, and civil construction. At Epic, we have two qualified and skilled Licensed Asbestos Assessors, who provide asbestos assessment services, along with advice on the risks associated with asbestos materials, reducing exposure to asbestos in the workplace and the management of asbestos removal works.

Acid Sulfate Soils
Epic offers comprehensive technical skills for the assessment and management of acid sulfate soils (ASS). Epic has expertise in the identification, characterisation, management, and treatment of ASS. We also advise on potential surface water- and groundwater-related acid sulfate effects caused by groundwater flow regime changes, dewatering activities and migration of potential acid leachate generated during site disturbances.

Ionising Radiation and
Epic provides professional advice, assessment and monitoring services on matters relating to the safe use and impact of radiation sources on humans, biota and the environment. We have a multidisciplinary team of skilled and qualified experts, meeting industry requirements for the provision of radiological services.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Our geospatial services team play a key role in many of Epic Environmental’s major projects. If you require geospatial solutions for your business, Epic’s team of geospatial experts utilise the latest technology and have the tools and knowledge to get the job done.

Per & Poly-Fluorinated Substances (PFAS)
With the recent emergence of per- and poly-fluorinated substances (PFAS) as a global contaminant of concern, and growing community attention, the team at Epic has developed the skills and qualifications required to undertake sampling, monitoring, reporting and auditing for per- and polyfluorinated substances. Epic has a proven track record of successful delivery of PFAS projects, including negotiation and interaction with regulatory authorities and other stakeholders.

Soil Vapour and Hazardous Ground Gas
Epic offers the comprehensive technical skills required for assessing and managing soil vapour and hazardous ground gas. Our group comprises project managers, environmental engineers, scientists and technical specialists, all of whom possess extensive knowledge on soil vapour, vapour intrusion and hazardous ground gas assessment and management.

Waste Services and Landfill Management
At Epic, we provide comprehensive support and technical engineering services across the waste management industry. Our waste management group includes project managers, environmental engineers, scientists and technical specialists with extensive knowledge on waste management. Our team delivers practical and pragmatic solutions across the waste industry. We acknowledge that the waste management sector is both a public service and a commercial operation. It therefore requires cost-effective, practical and beneficial outcomes for stakeholders, the community and the environment.