Mine Closure & Rehabilitation
Epic Environmental’s team of skilled and diverse experts will develop a plan that will
identify opportunities for improving the environmental outcomes during and at the end of the mine life.
To contact one of our Mine Closure and Rehabilitation experts please get in touch with us via email.

Progressive Rehabilitation & Closure Plan
Queensland has legislated a new process for mine planning and closure. Epic’s team of skilled and diverse experts have delivered approvals for some of Queensland’s first Progressive Rehabilitation and Closure Plans (PRCP) and continue to prepare practical and pragmatic solutions for resource projects. ​Our intent is to develop a PRCP that will identify opportunities for improving the environmental outcomes during and at the end of the mine life – reducing your liability and improving your ESG outcomes. Based on our experience, the integration of mine production and closure planning to strategically and progressively work towards a successful and sustainable final landform or Post Mining Land Use (PMLU) will improve operational efficiency by minimising rework and the risk of unforeseen and undesirable environmental outcomes that could incur significant financial penalties.

Contaminated Land
Epic offers comprehensive technical skills for assessing and managing contaminated land. We have delivered exceptional outcomes on a variety of sites across Australia. Epic provides a total project management approach to contaminated land and environmental site assessments. Our team has successfully developed specialised investigation strategies for typical development sites through to industrial and defence sites with complex historical site activities.

Groundwater and
Epic offers a comprehensive range of technical skills and experience in the assessment, characterisation, monitoring and management of groundwater, as both a risk and a resource. Epic has a proven track record of successful delivery of groundwater projects, including negotiating and interacting with regulatory authorities and other stakeholders.

Ionising Radiation and
Epic provides professional advice, assessment and monitoring services on matters relating to the safe use and impact of radiation sources on humans, biota and the environment. We have a multidisciplinary team of skilled and qualified experts, meeting industry requirements for the provision of radiological services.

Estimated Rehabilitation Cost
Associated with PRCP and mine closure is the financial bond associated with Environmental Authority holders, the Estimated Rehabilitation Cost (ERC). Epic has negotiated many ERCs for projects and continue to diligently engage with the regulator, external third-party providers and technical specialists to gain ERC approvals.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Our geospatial services team play a key role in many of Epic Environmental ’s major projects. If you require geospatial solutions for your business, Epic’s team of geospatial experts utilise the latest technology and have the tools and knowledge to get the job done.