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Department of Defence


• Verification of compliant remediation
• Provided stakeholders confidence
• Technically sound outcomes


Contaminated land management
Contaminated land management
Contaminated land management

As part of the detailed environmental assessment program at the Lavarack Barracks in Townsville, Queensland, Epic was engaged as the Technical Advisor to assess the impacts from historical use of PFAS-containing products. The primary issues with the assessment related to a major flood event in late 2018 that inundated a large proportion of the investigation area, rendering proposed sampling for the Human Health Risk Assessment difficult.

The environmental assessment included a detailed Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment supported by a comprehensive environmental sampling program.

Brad May from Epic completed the Technical Advisor and Site Auditor roles. He reviewed the investigation and ensured the works were conducted in accordance with the relevant legislation, particularly NEPM (2013) framework and NEMP guidance. As the Auditor, Brad also provided technical oversight and liaison with State environmental and health regulators to ensure confidence that the investigation findings were technically sound outcomes.

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